Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Organization is the Key to Happiness
If you have a lot of things to do you are not alone then you need to be more organized. You may even need to get some help.
With all of the gadgets and gizmos today it can become a daunting task. Not to worry! If you begin to feel overwhelmed you can pause and take a break and come back to your task at hand. But just don't forget to come back! Stay with it until complete. I have a saying : "pick it up, don't pass it up and put it away" ; it only works when you take action. The goal is to keep it simple yet stay in the now. Don't worry about all of the other tasks that you need to do when your mind steps in to bring to the forefront the other 99 things you have yet to do to date that needed to be done yesterday or yesteryear. All we all have is now whether you are rich or poor or have a lot or a little. And my friend, if you have your health and a sound mind you have a lot and a great foundation to stay happy with. Right now is a simple concept that is truly an opportunity and a gift. Getting organized will bring up many emotions so practice staying present and also you may have to learn to forgive yourself and others along the journey of life. Remember life is beautiful. Enjoy the journey and one another!
Have an organized day. Start with your thoughts. Until we meet again my friend. Be happy. Be organized. :)
Protect The Future of Local Television & Local News!
Where do Americans turn during times of crisis? For critical information, viewers depend on local TV.
But the federal government is making decisions about how the airwaves are used, which could limit television's ability to innovate. It could also jeopardize the local news, emergency information and high quality programming on which hundreds of millions of Americans rely.
Tell Congress to protect free, local television's ability to innovate and provide the news, emergency information and entertainment you expect and deserve.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Life Is Beautiful!
There may be a thousand little choices in a day.
All of them count. It is easy to make the wrong
choice when we allow ourselves to get too hungry,
angry, lonely or tired. So today take some time out
which is really an investment in to your future therefore
allowing your consciousness to become aware helping you
All of them count. It is easy to make the wrong
choice when we allow ourselves to get too hungry,
angry, lonely or tired. So today take some time out
which is really an investment in to your future therefore
allowing your consciousness to become aware helping you
to slow down & become present to see life for what it really is.
by: Meg O' Hanlon
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Importance of Cardio
Here are some great reasons to do cardio:
- To lose fat and look better! - want 6-pack abs? Only way is to lose fat thru cardio and proper nutrition.
- Cardio can improve your mood and significantly reduce depression. Its been proven by study after study, cardio can make you happier!
- Perform better at school or work! Daily cardio reduces mental fatigue and gives you more energy. A recent study from the U of G showed that daily cardio reduces fatigue by 65%
- To live a longer, healthier life.
- To help gain muscle.
Cardiovascular exercise should not be boring, if it is then you are doing something wrong! There are many types of cardio, its not just traditional jogging! You can do interval training if you find jogging boring. You can find a team sport you love and do it with a friend or spouse and the time will fly by. If you are stuck indoors on a machine, then find a good book, listen to the radio, or watch TV - find a way to make it interesting and enjoyable.If you don't have much time then jog to the gym, walk you kids to school, walk your dog, or start using your bike for transportation.
If you are happy with your body fat percentage and just want to keep your heart healthy then follow the American Heart Association's guidelines and do 30 minutes of light exercise (walking, gardening, etc) a day. If you want to lose body fat then try and do 30-60 minutes of strenuous cardio (swimming, running, fast biking) every day. Remember, cardio will not burn muscle!
What if you just don't have time for cardio? There are other types of cardio that require less time but they carry increased risks. Much better is if you can find some part of your week where you can bike or walk for transportation instead of driving. Time sitting in traffic is not only expensive but it is a waste of time, try and find some way of biking or walking instead of driving the car.
There is a lot of confusion about when to do cardio, I get asked this question all the time! As many of you have heard, doing cardio before you eat in the morning burns off more calories so is that the best time? Lots believe that the right time to do cardio is before a weight workout to provide a warm up but just as many believe that the right time is afterward. Who is right? None of them! All of them!
The right time to do cardio is when you are most likely to do it! Cardio is very important and its 100x more important that you actually DO your cardio than when to do it! Lets look at some of the pros and cons of doing cardio at various times.
Doing Cardio And Weight Workouts Separately
Its optimal to do your cardio and weight workouts completely separately, that is, with four or more hours of rest between them. This way, neither workout interferes with the other and you can give each 110% effort. For those of us who workout at home, this is easy to do. For those who go to gyms, its not as easy if you depend on the stationary equipment for your cardio because then you need to make a second trip to the gym. Now lets look at the non-optimal compromises.
Doing Cardio Before Breakfast
Yes, studies have shown that you burn off more calories if you do cardio before breakfast, but its a lousy time to do cardio in my opinion because you wont do your cardio for nearly as long. Who can focus on cardio when your stomach is growling and you feel faint from lack of food? Not me! Besides, doing cardio before breakfast isn't the most convenient time for most folks.
Doing Cardio Before A Weight Workout
The fans of doing cardio before a weight workout point to its ability to help warm up your muscles to prevent injury, true it does this. For those who significantly overweight or are fitness beginners, walking or light jogging is the recommended cardio. For these people doing their walking or light jogging before their weight workout is perfect, it warms them up and doesn't interfere with their weight workout. On the other hand, intermediate to advanced athletes need to push themselves much harder in their cardio workouts - they get their heartrate higher and keep it elevated for longer. Cardio workouts of this intensity will exhaust the body to the point where the weight workout will be lackluster at best reducing potential strength and mass gains. If you are an intermediate or advanced athlete whose time is at a premium and don't feel its important to add more muscle mass then doing cardio before the weight workout is ok, otherwise find a better time to do cardio.
Doing Cardio After A Weight Workout
Doing cardio after a weight workout is my personal favorite, its not optimal but its a very good use of time if you are doing your cardio at a gym because it eliminates the need for a second trip to the gym. I always find that even after an intense weight workout, I still can give cardio the intensity it needs. One thing I always do though is make sure to eat a small meal after lifting weights before starting the cardio. Meal timing is important and its important to get a meal right after weight lifting and waiting till after you do 45min of cardio, shower, and get home is too much of a delay. If you do your cardio after your weight workout, you need to find some alternative way to warm up your muscles before the weight workout, not a big deal.
There is a lot of confusion about cardio, its really quite simple. Lets start with the basics. My definition of cardio is that it elevates your heart rate to 50%-85% of your maximum and keep it there for at least 20 minutes. What is your maximum? Depends on your goal, your age, and your health. If you have medical conditions, ask your doctor what is appropriate for you.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Possessions Possess You
There is an old saying my Mother used to say that went like this: " Possessions Possess You" She was right. Even if she did save things to give to other people and set up ad infinitum people's apartments, homes and temporary shelters. She was always thinking of others and was not one for wasting time, energy or resources. They say the best way to learn something is to teach it to others. So I am offering my decluttering services to you for a limited time will come out and assess your needs for $50 consultation fee and will refund it if we decide to work together. Come on, let go of the clutter and get on with the business of living. You can & will get more done with less. Remember: less is more. call to schedule @ 484 889 3213. Please leave a message. Thank you.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Many Uses Of Lavender
Did you ever smell lavender? It is very refreshing. And besides that it is beautiful to see. Lavender has many uses.
In the summer if you have pets you must be on the look out for pests, fleas, and other irritants. Lavender can become part of your anti-flea arsenal when combined with some other essential oils you can use it on your pet without worry if you use toxic chemicals. Be sure not to get it into fido's eyes.
Here is the mix for one flea recipe: there are many variations.
Flea Collar - Don't buy a poisonous flea collar and expose your pet, your children and yourself to the toxic ingredients it contains. Try making one yourself that is safe, natural and works! First, decide what material you want to make it from. A piece of cotton rope or loose webbing material will work well. A cotton cloth can work on some animals.
After making the collar, essential oil flea control can be accomplished by applying a few drops. Of course lavender works well, but you could also try eucalyptus, tea tree, citronella, or geranium. Since the oil will eventually evaporate, plan on refreshing the collar with a few more drops each week. Since essential oils often work better when combined, here is a recipe you can mix and try on your dog's collar:
Combine 1/2 teaspoon of alcohol with
1 drop lavender oil
1 drop cedarwood or white cedar oil
1 drop citronella oil
1 drop peppermint oil
1 drop cedarwood or white cedar oil
1 drop citronella oil
1 drop peppermint oil
2 garlic capsules
Break the garlic capsules and mix with the other ingredients, then pour over the collar.
There you have it. If the garlic doesn't work you may have to resort to the tried and true chemicals.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo's masterpiece Woman with Henid (more commonly known as The Mona Lisa) has probably done more to destroy truth than any other work of art in all of history. In this woman Leonardo personifies the pure essence of the henid (unconscious thought) and leaves nothing left over to distract our attention.
Painting is an expression in the veiling medium of colour and Leonardo has shown us just how effective this art form can be. The woman knows something, but then she knows nothing at all, least of all herself, and this is precisely her wisdom. She does not enter time, nor existence, and wonders why we, her doting admirers, are having so much difficulty.She is not beautiful, but she is not ugly. Who is she? - this goddess of this world. She could be the woman who works in every corner store, every prostitute, every sister, every mother, and every daughter: She is every woman, the mother of the species, part bird, part reptile.And how much we can learn from Leonardo's technique! Notice the lack of sharp boundaries and perspective. Indeed, notice the entire lack of contrast and colour. And when there is a hint of colour it is only to draw us to what is human, and warm, and feeling. Such a delightful painting makes one want to nod off to sleep!Our modern, aimless, scattered, abstract art has certainly gone far to ensure that thinking and truth will never arise, but too much of anything can cease to inspire. Variety is indeed the spice of life, and for as long as there is the threat of truth arising in our world there will always be a place for Leonardo.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
noun \ˈdes-pə-ˌti-zəm\Definition of DESPOTISM
a : a system of government in which the ruler has unlimited power : absolutismb : a despotic state
Saturday, July 2, 2011
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Dublin Builders Group ::: (610) 565-0121
Dublin Builders Group of Greater Philadelphia
(610) 565-0121
Joe Tumelty started Dublin Builders Group in 1983, with a friend, upon graduation from Spring Garden College. Having received his Bachelors' Degree in Construction Engineering Technology, Joe and his friend began their general contracting business.
Within a year, Joe's partner moved on to other endeavors and Joe decided to continue on. Over the years, Dublin Builders has built a reputation for quality work doing home renovation and remodeling.
Joe has always been a detail-oriented contractor. He prides himself on the finish of the work he does and approaches every project with a desire for you to be so happy that you'll want to show it off.
We have been very pleased that so much of our business has come from word-of-mouth. Visit our Testimonials page where you can read what some of our clients have had to say.
We want you to be the next satisfied customer. Call Dublin Builders Group and let us bring your home improvement project to life. Call Joe today to schedule your personal consultation:
(610) 565-0121
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