Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Magnesium the Light of Life
Inside chlorophyll is the light of life and that light is magnesium

The capture of light energy from the sun is magnesium dependent. Magnesium is bound as the central atom of the porphyrin ring of the green plant pigment chlorophyll. Magnesium is the element that causes plants to be able to convert light into energy and chlorophyll is identical to hemoglobin except the magnesium atom at the center has been taken out and iron put in. The whole basis of life and the food chain is seen in the sunlight-chlorophyll-magnesium chain. Since animals and humans obtain their food supply by eating plants magnesium can be said to be the source of life for it is at the heart of chlorophyll and the process of photosynthesis.

A huge step forward for early life was the development of chlorophyll,  a molecule that captures light energy from the sun in a process called photosynthesis. Chlorophyll systems convert energy from visible light into small energy-rich molecules easy for cells to use. The harnessing of the energy of visible light led to a vast expansion of early life-forms. Fossilized layers, three and half billion years old, have been found with evidence of blue-green algae that lived on top of tidal rocks.

Chlorophyll a (minus the alkyl side chain for clarity) with its magnesium core. Chlorophyll is recognized as one of nature's riches sources of important nutrients where its rich green pigment is vital for the body's rapid assimilation of amino acids and for the synthesis of enzymes.

Magnesium is needed by plants to form chlorophyll which is the substance that makes plants green. Without magnesium sitting inside the heart of chlorophyll, plants would not be able to take nutrition from the sun because the process of photosynthesis would not go on. When magnesium is deficient things begin to die. In reality one cannot take a breath, move a muscle, or think a thought without enough magnesium in our cells. Because magnesium is contained in chlorophyll it is considered an essential plant mineral salt.

Without chlorophyll, plants are unable to convert sunlight and carbon dioxide. There is no life without magnesium.

Magnesium is a necessary element for all living organisms both animal and plant. Chlorophyll is structured around a magnesium atom, while in animals, magnesium is a key component of cells, bones, tissues and just about every physiological process you can think of. Magnesium is primarily an intracellular cation; roughly 1% of whole-body magnesium is found extracellularly, and the free intracellular fraction is the portion regulating enzyme pathways inside the cells. Life packs the magnesium jealously into the cells, every drop of it is precious.

Monday, August 29, 2011

"The Serpent Box" by:

Vincent Louis Carrella


  “Anybody who has survived his childhood has enough     information about life to last him the rest of his days.” 

   - Flannery O’Connor

Flannery O’Connor understands that in order to move forward, we must also move back. Her statement has the quality of a universal truth, like, everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten. And it’s true, I think. The first five, ten years of your life are who you are at the deepest level. How you react to the world. How you look at the world. How you hope and dream. In childhood your dreams are born. Your fears. Your strategies to avoid your fears. The road map of your life. It’s all there.
What do people want to know about people who write books? What I would want to know is how a person was shaped. How he or she was formed. I’d want to know how they became the writer of the novel I had just read. What made them? I’d want to see and feel the events, thoughts and people who formed the crucible that created a person.
I was born and raised on Long Island, New York. I spent my boyhood hunting snakes in vacant lots and exploring the vast terminal moraine left by the great northern glacier - the sand pits that provided the very substance for most of Manhattan’s concrete infrastructure. I fished, sailed and swam Manhasset Bay. I built tree-forts in the woods. I snuck into the public pool in the summertime and rode my Schwinn Sting-Ray all over Sands Point, exploring private beaches and tidal lagoons. I built rafts, stole dinghies and stalked the garbage dump with a Daisy BB Gun. I formed a snake club. I hunted for fossils in the sand pits and rats with a bow and arrow. I read a hundred books. I drew pictures and invented elaborate games that involved sword-play and plastic guns. I played stickball. I climbed trees. I played Dungeons and Dragons on my kitchen table and Space Invaders in a bowling alley arcade. I lived a magical and sometimes terrifying Huckleberry Finn childhood. I started working at 10. I collected bottles and cans. I mowed lawns, shoveled snow, delivered newspapers, was a landscaper, a florist’s assistant, a bus-boy, a dishwasher, a clerk at a drive-thru grocery, a boat cleaner, a launch driver and scooped ice cream at a Carvel.
My mother was a reader. She read books and she read books to me. Our little apartment was filled with literature. I was surrounded by Hemingway, Hesse, Steinbeck, Kafka, Anais Nin. My mother taught me the joy of reading by reading. I cannot remember a time when she did not have a book in her hand, her purse, or open on her bedside table. Books, to her, were pathways to knowledge and self-discovery. And they became that for me. My mother’s love of books and her encouragement of my early reading and writing was her greatest gift to me. This was the foundation upon which I was constructed. She taught me to imagine and think.
My father left when I was five. It was not abandonment it was divorce. He was not a very vocal man. He did not sit down with me to explain the great wisdoms and mysteries of life. Instead he showed me these mysteries first hand. My father was in love with the woods. He took me there often. He showed me how to hunt and fish. He marveled at the living world and was always asking questions. Nature, to my father, was not just a refuge, it was a temple. Often we’d sit for hours staring at the ripples in a brook. He knew the names of birds and trees. He knew the habits of animals. He showed me their tracks and signs and how to read the wind. He taught me how to see.
I am not a writer by training or education. I studied no authors, no literature. I learned story by reading. I learned plot by living. I learned dialog by talking, by listening. I was a small boy who could not fight or catch a ball. This made me a target. I was bullied, beaten, threatened and robbed. I learned how to run and avoid conflict. I learned how to talk my way out of a jam. This required a certain form of analytical thinking. You weigh a threat quickly and make a decision. Stand or run. You measure distances to cover and you measure faces. You read attitude and terrain. Your powers of observation become sharp and animal-like. I lived mostly in a world of my own creation. I day-dreamed. I invented scenes and stories. My mother and father marveled at my memory and my imagination. There was no image, no event that I could forget. My memory for scenes and places was photographic. Pictures flashed through my head. Often what I saw was horrific. Plagued by insomnia throughout my entire childhood, I laid awake in the dark with the voices and faces of the living and the dead. I learned how to conjure my own scenes and my own faces to combat the dread. I was writing in my mind.
In 1988 I left New York, using as my excuse a summer concert tour with The Grateful Dead. For the first time in my life I saw a country. My two best friends and I began our journey in Maine, snaked our way through New Hampshire, Vermont, up into Canada; back down through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois. I saw Chicago and Wisconsin, the woods of Minnesota. I camped in South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada and finally California - where I stayed for good. I co-founded two game studios where I worked on games such as Iron Helix, Bad Mojo and Space Bunnies Must Die! I met my wife on a blind date and lived in San Francisco for seventeen years before losing my second company to the dotcom crash. I had children, I was a stay-at-home-dad, and wrote a story called The Serpent Box and the Poison Jar. I moved back east for a couple years but came back to Northern California; where I plan to stay, and write stories until I die.  

"The real voyage of discovery 
consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes." 

- Proust

In Loving Memory

Call To Artists! Deadline Approaching Fast!

 Sand, Sea, Wind and Stars 
This exhibition is open to all artists. All media except 
film and video. Size limited to 36” in any dimension. All work must be 
framed and wired for hanging or it will be rejected. Only original artwork. 
No giclee prints or art appropriated from another artist. 

247 South Camac Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 
(215) 545-9324 or 


Exhibition Dates: September 4-24, 2011 

Delivery: Friday, August 26, Saturday, August 27, 2011 
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

Pick-Up: Friday, September 23, Saturday, September 24, 2011 
10 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Opening Reception is Sunday, September 11, 2-5 p.m. 
Awards will be presented at 3:30 p.m. 

First: $100. 
Second: $75. 
Third: $50. 

Honorable Mentions 
Juror: Boris Putterman, Painting Department, University of the Arts 

Hanging Fee: $12.00 for two entries. $10.00 for one entry 
Members: $10.00 for two entries, $8.00 for one entry 
The Plastic Club retains a 20% commission on all sales. No POR. 
Work exhibited at the Plastic Club is not insured, however, 
all artwork is handled and stored with the utmost care. 

Fill in tags and attach one to the back or bottom of your art. 

Name_______________________________ Name__________________________________ Address_____________________________ Address________________________________ 
_____________________________ _________________________________ Telephone___________________________ Telephone______________________________ Title________________________________ Title___________________________________ Medium_____________________________ Medium_______________________________ Price________________________________ Price__________________________________ 

The Plastic Club cannot be responsible for any artwork lost, damaged or stolen. 
However, all reasonable care will be taken. 

Location: Moore College of Art & Design
Time: ‎5:00PM Friday, September 30th

Blarney Stone : Menu Pages

Blarney Stone

Blarney Stone 38th & Sansom

If you want to have a good time and are ever in University City you can stop by for a pint or a bite to eat; voted one of the Best places to gather with friends, colleagues and constituents in PA

Blarney Stone 

3929 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-3114(215) 222-5340 

    Categories:Bar, Bar & Grill
    Today11:30–2:00 am
    Transit: 37th St Trolley Station (0.3 mi SE 

    Monday, August 22, 2011

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    WordCamp Philly 2011 

    WordCamp is back in the City of Brotherly Love! WordCamp Philly 2011 will be held on Saturday November 5, 2011 at Temple University with a developer day on November 6th. It’s a complete weekend, organized by the local community, of learning about, loving, and discussing the WordPress platform.

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

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    I hope you save a lot!  We all need to become more money conscious of how we are using our personal and collective resources these days.  I hope you had a good day. :) 

    Monday, August 8, 2011

    What We Saw at the Glenn Beck Rally in DC

    An Overview of the Philadelphia Art Museum's History

    Rising majestically at the end of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the Philadelphia Museum of Art stands as one of the great art institutions of the world. In the over 125 years since its founding, it has grown far beyond the limits originally set for it. Today, the Museum houses over 225,000 works of art encompassing some of the greatest achievements of human creativity, and offers a wealth of exhibitions and educational programs for a public of all ages.

    Historically, the Museum was a legacy of the great Centennial Exposition of 1876 held in Fairmount Park. In March 1873, an act of the Pennsylvania State Legislature set in motion plans for the construction of Memorial Hall—a permanent building to be designed by Hermann J. Schwarzmann—which was to serve as the art gallery of the exposition. At the conclusion of the Centennial celebrations, Memorial Hall was to remain open as a Museum of Art and Industry "for the improvement and enjoyment of the people of the Commonwealth."

    In 1876, the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art (as it was originally titled) was chartered with a goal of establishing "a Museum of Art, in all its branches and technical application, and with a special view to the development of the art and textile industries of the state." The founders envisioned a museum along the lines of the recently completed South Kensington Museum in London (today known as the Victoria and Albert Museum), but different in having an active school as a close adjunct—where creative craftsmen could be trained for the growing industries of the United States.

    On May 10, 1877, exactly one year after the inauguration of the Centennial Exposition, Memorial Hall reopened as a permanent museum. The Pennsylvania Museum School of Industrial Art opened on December 17, 1877, in a separate location at 312 North Broad Street, with an entering class of 100 students. The school's growing enrollment necessitated a series of moves over the next 15 years to larger quarters, until finally on September 10, 1893, classes opened in a new building at Broad and Pine Streets designed by John Haviland in the Greek Revival style. All students received instruction in drawing, painting, and modeling, with specialized courses in textiles, furniture design, pottery, wood carving, metalwork, and other crafts.

    In 1938, the name of the joint institution was changed to the Philadelphia Museum and School of Industrial Art. In 1949, the textile school became independent and moved to its current quarters in East Falls, where it is known as the Philadelphia University. Upon the reorganization of the Museum in 1964, the school at Broad and Pine became an independent educational institution known as the Philadelphia College of Art. In 1987, it joined with the Philadelphia College of the Performing Arts to become The University of the Arts, which still occupies the Haviland building (now Dorrance Hamilton Hall of Campbell's soup) on Broad Street. 

    Sunday, August 7, 2011

    Used Textbook Classifieds
    Welcome to the

    student-to-student bulletin boards. Students... Post your used book information for other students to see.
    Think of us as that old bulletin board
     in the student center... but for the information age:)

    O' Hanlon Marketing, Design & Video 484 482 3292

    484 482 3292

    Below is a listing of our hourly rates for website design and programming.
    We do quote jobs based on your needs 

    • Hourly Rates May Vary
    • Custom HTML $75.00
    • General Graphics/Image Editing $75.00
    • Advanced Graphics $95.00
    • Database Programming $100.00
    • JavaScript Programming $100.00
    • CGI/Perl Programming $100.00
    • Flash design $100.00
    • Consultation $65.00 Initial site consultation free
    • HTML Training $75.00
    • Updates/Design maintenance $75.00

    Thursday, August 4, 2011


    1. Help weight loss. Chia seeds are popular for weight loss. They reduce food cravings by preventing some of the food that you eat from getting absorbed into your system. This blockage of calorie absorption makes them a great diet helper.
    2. Feel fuller faster: They can also help your diet by making you feel full. This is because they absorb 10 times their weight in water, forming a bulky gel.
    3. Hydration for athletes: They are also great for athletes because the "chia gel" can hydrate the body.
    4. Reduce your blood pressure: There's evidence to suggest they can reduce blood pressure.
       They are the richest plant source of Omega-3 (the vital fats that protect against inflammation—such as arthritis—and heart disease).
    5. In fact, they contain more Omega-3 than salmon!
    6. Benefits for diabetes: Because chia seeds slow down how fast our bodies convert carbohydrates into simple sugars, studies indicate they can control blood sugar. This leads scientists to believe chia seeds may have great benefits for diabetics.
    7. They are easier to digest than flax seeds, and don't need to be ground up.  

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