One of the greatest desires that we carry in our hearts is to help as many people as we possibly can. Years ago, we could have never imagined the places He would send us to share His love and minister to those who desperately need help.
Friends and partners, please know that your faithful prayers and support play a profound role in reaching tens of thousands who are lost and hurting around the world. It is your willingness to help that has brought lifesaving hope and assistance at a time when they’ve needed it the most.
Because of you, Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions is able to feed the hungry, treat and prevent illness in impoverished nations, rescue children from the streets, and draw hundreds of thousands of people to Christ through our TV and radio programs and worldwide conferences.
And this is just a small part of everything we do.
At one time or another, I think we’ve all wondered if one person can truly make a difference…if our giving can really make an impact. Well, I’m here to tell you that it can, and together we can change our world.
Although we may never meet them personally, every single day we are impacting countless lives…sharing the Gospel and the love of Christ in both word and deed.
Friends and partners, you are such a vital part of everything we do. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, and together we are changing hearts and lives. Thank you so much!
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