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Write your elected officials and ask them to fix the Flag.
It matters!
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Type in your zip code,
click the link for Federal officials
tell them how you feel
about the backward American Flag!
---------------------------Cut and Paste---------------------------
President Obama,
Senator _______, or Congressman/woman_______,
I am writing to you today about the backward American Flag being used on the Army uniform. Although they are allowed to add the Flag to their uniform, they are not supposed to wear it backwards. The Flag Code spells out very clearly that the field of blue is always supposed to be in the upper left hand corner of the observer's view as they face the Flag. Every American know's this simple rule.
The Army's example of the American Flag is not only wrong but spreading to first responder uniforms throughout the country. It saddens me to see police and fire departments starting wearing a backward American Flag on their uniforms. It's as if they have all forgotten what an American Flag is supposed to look like.
The Army's main excuse for the backward Flag is, if they were carrying an actual Flag into battle it would fly this way in the breeze as they move forward. A free flying American Flag does have a backside. However, that backside shouldn't’t become the representation of our country. The proper side of the Flag blows in the breeze as well and can be represented by a true American Flag with a patch placed on the left shoulder or above the name tag on the front of the uniform.
If gone unchallenged the stand alone backward Flag will soon represent America. If our own government fails to correct it, the only thing it will truly represent is the backward direction our country is moving on so many issues. Please make the Army correct this mistake and have them wear the American Flag we all know and love.
sign your name here
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