Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Derrick Jensen Reads From His Own Book

Wealthy Exploit & Silence Native Americans & More!

The Government Wants You To Friend Them On Facebook

Sunday, November 20, 2011

When Good Men Do Nothing

By New America Now

Shame, Shame, Shame

Yes Shame on the police indeed. But Shame on the crowd for allowing a fool to assault peaceful people with chemical weapons (mace) and just stand by and do nothing. Since justice is blind it does not see uniforms it does not see badges but it knows and I know what injustice is .

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
So much of the history of the struggle between good and evil can be explained by Edmund Burke's observation. Time and again those who profess to be good seem to clearly outnumber those who are evil, yet those who are evil seem to prevail far too often. Seldom is it the numbers that determine the outcome, but whether those who claim to be good men are willing to stand up and fight for what they know to be right. There are numerous examples of this sad and awful scenario being played out over and over again in history.

To proclaim that it is never okay to forcibly resist law enforcement is to inadvertently demonstrate why so much of human history has been plagued by tyranny and oppression.

Throughout history most mass evil has not been done in spite of law enforcement but done in the name of law enforcement.Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini,  Amin, George W Bush and Barrack Obama to name a few.  As uncivilized as violent self defense may sound the alternative is to allow government to do absolutely anything it wants to do to you and you have to allow itIn the words of Alexander Hamilton himself"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense...."Make no mistake that self defense is measured, controlled focused and just not some anarchistic whim of unfocused rage that injures the innocent and uninvolved

Do you know what history teaches us about people that don't stand up and defend themselves from tyranny?...they end up in gas chambers.We may not have gotten that far yet but...The injustice of the state is at the root of why people are taking to the streets in protest by both the tea party and occupy movements.  The Banks and Corporations are merely an opportunistic infection in a greater wound. And I am sad to say a self inflicted wound. The Democratic Party promises economic security and more benefits for the poor and working class – in return for more taxes, more regulations, self serving foreign policy and forfeiting our personal and local community independence for what they perceive is best for our collective society . 

However, economic security is actually only selectively doled out to those who will benefit that individual politician's situation either in re-election or to increase his or her personal wealth. The Republicans on the other hand promise to protect us from the Democrats and all the other boogie men of the world then turn around and grant subsidies for the super rich and build prisons for the poor and invade weaker countries for their valuable assets in the same self serving fashion.The resulting wealth gap has always led to more demand for greater moderate socialism and redistribution of wealth gained by favors paid by both sides of the isle. The big kicker is, greater socialism entails that government, you know the same government that allowed all those special favors, be given more control in order to fulfill it's empty promises of social justice in an ever increasing spiral of government power and control.

Lets Ask the Native Americans if the U.S. government can be relied on to make good on it's promises.  

Have you all noticed that the laws, acts, and regulations being passed as well as the many wars or so called kinetic actions by both parties have no actual benefit to or wanted by the average person on the street. There only justification is that it is all being done for your own good. Continual wars, militarization of police, unwarranted searches, checkpoints and surveillance. Forced vaccinations, limiting healthcare, access to our saved retirement funds they now call entitlements, and our god given right to choose healthy food and vitamin over chemically altered and genetically modified crap. If that wasn't bad enough our young are being taught revisionist history and to always listen to authority in our government controlled schools. American education consists of material regurgitation instead of critical thinking. It is not in the governments best interest to produce children that question authority and have a keen eye that rejects hypocrisy.Such independence is not in the best interest of the state. Substandard education that does not serve them in adult life except to create good obedient unquestioning workers is the standard.

Year by year we lose freedom and independence to the one-two punch of government and corporate bureaucracy. Politicians promise change, but actually offer the same two stale options: moderate socialism or wage serfdom.

Both parties have failed at protecting America's sovereignty. They have signed unwanted world treaties with global entities without the consent of it's people. They have failed to protect us economically by abrogating their constitutional responsibilities and allowing parasitic private banks to debase our currency, creating debt based currency and allow compounding interest to be the norm. With the passage of legislation, the two parties have allowed our manufacturing and productive base to leave our shores to better their corporate cronys at the expense of the economic health of it's people. They have knowingly allowed special interest to write legislation that either steals from the American pocket and or protects corporate monopolies against the best interest of the American people through elimination of future competition.

Just like the word democracy is misunderstood to mean freedom, all the while it's true nature is tyranny of the minority by a majority, a similar situation exists with the word Capitalism.Make no mistake Capitalism is absolutely not a free market economic system. Capitalism is defined as a system of economics where those who privately own the means of production use economic and political influence to gain advantage over others. There is no other true definition. And there is no other system at play in the United states at this moment in time. Those that blindly defend Capitalism defend the use of political and financial advantage and influence over natural market forces to infringe upon the rights of everyone else to play the game equally.Many who call for regulation rarely if at all get the regulation that is called for because those already playing the game control the rule making mechanism.

Today there is no equal justice in our current system. Insiders and cronys that fail are bailed out and their losses are legally given to you and I against our will. If your an insider, bad decisions have no legal consequence. There are individuals committing high crimes against the American people. Theft, murder and treason yet there are no consequences and there is no justice. Remember, as Thomas Jefferson once said, If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.

In a free society, the government's legitimacy and moral right to use it's power is only justified and legal when derived from the consent of it's people. I see no such consent. It is the duty of every free American to resist by all means necessary anyone and anything that seeks to destroy the precious jewel that is freedom.To fight for freedom is wrought with risks of harm to life and limb. Thousands of young men and women sign up every year to lay down their lives for for what they believe will defend freedom. So I know you are out there my brothers and sisters.

It is of course everyone's right to interpret for themselves what freedom means means to him or her and a personal decision as to what actions he or she should take. But let me be clear and blunt. Freedom and Liberty is dying in America and America needs your help.I will simply leave you with the historical words of our founding fathers in an attempt to allow you to glimpse America through their eyes, as they saw it and allow you to decide what actions our hearts should take.

Make no mistake there has been no major change to the human heart and mind since 1776.

From Thomas Jefferson:

What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.   From George Washington

Are Your Thoughts Your Own? Really? Yes Really.

Monday, November 28, 2011

NANOWRIMO :: National Novel Writing Month Of November

National Novel Writing Month’s Young Writers Program provides kids and teens with a month-long creative experience that improves self-esteem, teaches perseverance, and radically alters their relationships with writing and literature.
We do this through a youth-oriented website where kids and teens can mingle, get advice from beloved writers, and find inspiration as they tackle a challenge they’ll never forget. And we do it through our free resources for educators: Common Core-aligned curriculum and workbooks, and a classroom kit featuring a full-color progress chart, stickers, buttons, and certificates.
In 2010, over 42,000 kids and teens and 1,800 classrooms worldwide took part in NaNoWriMo’s Young Writers Program. In 2011, we’re expecting over 2,000 classrooms to spend November writing novels.
If you’d like more information about the Young Writers Program, check out:

Support the Young Writers Program:
The Donation Station: Your contribution of any amount helps fund one of our classrooms. Students and teachers will benefit from our free educational and motivational materials: complete curriculum, workbooks, a full-color progress chart, stickers, buttons, and certificates.
The Classroom Sponsorship Program: Your contribution of any amount directly funds one of our classrooms—maybe even one in your area! Students can receive even more incentive goodies: NaNoWriMo t-shirts, certificates, posters, pencils, and stickers.

Some of our students reading from their 2010 novels:
Novel fever takes the world by storm.

Symptoms include flashes of brilliance, questionable plotlines, and blatant use of mixed metaphors.
Berkeley, California (Oct 10, 2011) - At midnight on November 1, armed only with their wits, the vague outline of a story, and a ridiculous deadline, more than 250,000 people around the world will set out to become novelists.
Why? Because November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, the world’s largest writing challenge and nonprofit literary crusade. Participants pledge to write 50,000 words in a month, starting from scratch and reaching “The End” by November 30. There are no judges, no prizes, and entries are deleted from the server before anyone even reads them.

So what’s the point? “The 50,000-word challenge has a wonderful way of opening up your imagination and unleashing creativity,” says NaNoWriMo Founder and Executive Director (and 12-time NaNoWriMo winner) Chris Baty. “When you write for quantity instead of quality, you end up getting both. Also, it’s a great excuse for not doing any dishes for a month.”  More than 650 regional volunteers in more than 60 countries will hold write-ins, hosting writers in coffee
shops, bookstores, and libraries. Write-ins offer a supportive environment and surprisingly effective peer
pressure, turning the usually solitary act of writing into a community experience. That sense of community even extends beyond the page—so much so that several dozen marriages and at least six babies have resulted from NaNoWriMo over the years. In a few years, those babies will surely take part in NaNoWriMo’s Young Writers Program, a version of the event
geared toward kids and teens. These budding authors also benefit from a community of their peers, as well as the free resources (including lesson plans, workbooks, and a snazzy classroom kit) used by thousands of educators worldwide.
Although the event emphasizes creativity and adventure over creating a literary masterpiece, more than 90 novels begun during NaNoWriMo have since been published, including Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, both #1 New York Times Best Sellers.
“Writing a novel in a month inspires incredible confidence in seasoned and first-time novelists alike,” says NaNoWriMo Program Director Lindsey Grant. “Completing a draft of the novel they’ve been contemplating for ages gives participants a tremendous sense of accomplishment and leaves them wondering what else they’re capable of.” For more information on National Novel Writing Month, or to speak to NaNoWriMo participants in your area,

visit or contact

The Office of Letters and Light is a California-based international non-profit organization. Its programs are the largest literary events in the world. Learn more at

Warrior Writers Promotes Healing!

Warrior Writers is a community of veterans and artists that aims to generate awareness about and bear witness to veterans' experiences of war. Warrior Writers promotes healing and re-integration for soldiers returning from war through building a supportive community and providing veterans with a creative outlet. The Veterans and Community Conferences (VCC) are gatherings of veterans, artists, allies and healers. The VCC feature writing and art-making workshops, seminars on how to build healthy relationships between veterans and allies, and discussion panels on building local support for veterans. Holistic Healing sessions are offered free of charge to veterans throughout the conference. Veterans build a creative community around their shared experiences. Our overall goal is to create space and community for veterans and their allies to engage in healing and the reintegration process.

With your generous support we can provide travel funds for veterans to attend a VCC. We greatly
appreciate your heartfelt support for veterans working to heal our world.

Please make checks out to our fiscal sponsor “IVAW” and write Warrior Writers in the Memo Line
The Warrior Writers Project has 501©3 status, all donations are tax deductible.
Warrior Writers • c/o IVAW • P. O. Box 8296 • Philadelphia, PA 19101

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Health Living Never Felt So Good!

Reprint By Erin J. Shea
10/20/2009via: Oprah Magazine

follow freephillyinfo
In March 2008, Beth Berry was very sick. Her body was wracked with pain so severe she spent most days in bed. She suffered from a herniated disc, but more troubling, Berry's doctor diagnosed her with fibromyalgia, an autoimmune disorder characterized by widespread joint and muscle pain.

"I was given a 90-count bottle of Vicodin," Berry says. "I got mad. I was pissed, and kept saying: 'That's it? Just take narcotics for the rest of my life? I'm only 38 years old!'"

Instead of filling the prescription, Berry pored over the latest research on the benefits of diet and nutrition on autoimmune disorders and learned about the successes people suffering from symptoms similar to hers were having with raw food diets. "That's when the real journey began," she says. "Within three days of being on raw food, almost all of my symptoms had gone away."

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Corporate Whores Of America & The World

Food Bill's Mark Of The Beast

Generic Coffee vs. Organo Gold

Good Dog Coffee DS - 5lb USDA Organic Fairtrade Shade Grown Coffee Beans- Vienna- Medium- Fine Grind- Espresso
Click the photo above
to order regular old coffee
 click below to get the patented formula
O G  which I call  "the feel good coffee" 

Organo Gold has changed the way I look at coffee since it is a patented formula which tastes superb! I love it. It has helped me to have better energy daily  along with the fact that is  allowing me another avenue to enjoy coffee once again because prior to finding OG I had to minimize my intake due to the acidic content.  Now with OG's patented formula which I refer to "the feel good coffee"  I can enjoy coffee like never before and that is one of the reasons I decided to join the company as an  independent rep.  If you would like to come on board 

Colloidal Silver Health Benefits

Throughout history silver has been used as a preservative and to fight infections. Colloidal silver is a suspension of the element silver in a solution, usually water. Silver, like mercury, was used as a medicine starting in the late 1800s. Its primary application was as a topical antiseptic. Use of silver, in the form of silver nitrate solution, is still required by law in most states to be used in newborns as a topical eye drop to prevent eye infections.  I personally tried it and found it to be effective for me.  

Monday, November 21, 2011

"Words want to be Free" - Author Unknown

Internet Slang Words and Computer Slang

On this site you will find a list of slang terms, acronyms and abbreviations 
as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and Internet forums - 
a complete dictionary of slang.  
There are many such internet slang words in use, some are more widely 
understood than others, and new ones are evolving all the time. This list 
is large but inevitably incomplete; however it contains the more commonly 
used slang words and slang terms. 7448 acronyms are listed at present -
 if you know of another that should be here then please add an acronym.
Note that a few of the internet abbreviations stand for phrases containing 
words that may be offensive to some people. In those cases we have 
substituted asterisks, or similar, for the internet slang words in question.
All  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  Other

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Urgent Need :: Please Donate A Teddy Bear :: Thank You!


11/1 - 11/30
West Chester University's 15th Annual Bear Fair
The Bear Fair is run by a student committee based out of the Office of Service-Learning and Volunteer Programs at West Chester University.Teddy bears donated to the Bear Fair go to children in hospitals and shelters during the holiday season. PLEASE DONATE NEW TEDDY BEARS - SOFT AND CUDDLY. At least 6 inches tall and sizes  8 inches to 15 inches are very popular with the children and hospitals/shelters.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Join Megs' Coffee Club Today & Get Happy Now!

I Dream Of Coffee
My name is Meg O Hanlon and I am an Independant Organo Gold Rep. You can go to my personal website @ We are a global family of people that is growing and thriving every day. A family that is caring, compassionate and believes that the knowledge of Ganoderma should be in the hands of people world-wide. It’s a family that cares about you. Please join my team ; Meg O' Hanlon will work to build you & your busine$$!

I believe in organo gold and I believe in you.  Think about your future. Where will you and your family be in 5 years from right now? You may know where you want to go but not know how to get there.   That’s where Meg O' Hanlon comes into the picture with you & OG we can build a serious bank account. By using the cost effective network distribution system to deliver these OG products, more of every dollar is shared with our growing OG family world-wide.

Join megs coffee club to make serious money with me. Thank you. Welcome to the club! Now lets go drink coffee, have fun and make serious money!

Meg O ' Hanlon is on a mission, spreading the knowledge of organo gold, having fun with old and new friends  & making money.
To Your Success,

"Wade In The Water"

Friday, November 18, 2011

Has Your Brain Been Hijacked?

What Was JFK Referring To?


You need to switch parties 3 months ahead of the primary OR YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED 

If you want to vote for Ron Paul in the primary, YOU HAVE TO BE REGISTERED AS A REPUBLICAN or you will not be allowed to vote.

OPEN YOUR MIND & YOUR HEART ... learn about Ron Paul before you close your mind.
Switch now if you are a democrat or independent or you will not be allowed to vote in the primary. IF DR PAUL LOSES PRIMARY, NO ELECTION.
Let's get moving NOW people. THANK YOU and spread this.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dedicated To: Occupy Philadelphia : We Are All Related!

Joe Paterno ... Not My Hero! At All! Not At All.

Joe Paterno: Not My Hero

America, you have misplaced your heroes.
Contrary to popular opinion, Joe Paterno is not one of them.
"Joe Paterno"
He is the 84-year-old coach of a football team whose most inspirational quotes have nothing to do with character and integrity and everything to do with being good at football. That’s fine. That’s what he does. And in his 60 or so years with Penn State University, he did that job and did it well.
But somewhere in the midst of his career (namely in his 46-year run as the head coach of the Nittany Lions), Paterno was elevated to hero status.
A hero is “a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.”
When you read that definition, is Joe Paterno someone who comes to mind? Let’s pretend for a fleeting second that this whole child abuse scandal never even happened (and, while we’re at it, what the heck, let’s pretend that children were never abused). Does Joe Paterno — Coach Joe Paterno — still fit that description? Distinguished courage? Brave deeds? Noble qualities? Can you wholeheartedly and honestly say that Joe Paterno meets those standards? As a college football coach? I don’t think so.
And yet he is respected, regarded, and revered as a great man — not simply in the realm of collegiate athletics, mind you, but in this country. He is an icon and, yes, a hero.
That’s misplaced.
Don’t get me wrong, if he was your coach at some point in your life, then he probably is your hero. Your hero. For a legitimate reason. He probably made you a better, more disciplined, more focused football player. He might have led you to a championship. Maybe a bowl game. Great. That’s awesome, actually. It really is.
But, as a coach, Paterno didn’t demonstrate distinguished courage, brave deeds, and noble qualities. Other than maybe calling a risky, against-all-odds play to win a game or several. That still doesn’t make him a hero.
Trust me, folks. If you view Paterno as a hero in any regard, you’re misplacing your heroes. I promise you.
“This is a tragedy. It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.”
"Joe Paterno Jerry Sandusky"
That is what Paterno said a few days after the arrest of his former defensive coordinator, Jerry Sandusky (but before he’d been fired). Well, it’s what was attributed to him in a statement that was orchestrated by his PR person.
What confuses me is that what Paterno is, in essence, saying is that he has developed some sort of clarity about the situation, now that he can look back in hindsight. Because, at the time that a grad student came to him and informed him that he saw Sandusky raping a child, it didn’t seem like a big deal? Paterno wasn’t thinking clearly? Paterno didn’t believe that was possible?
Let’s re-state this. A grad student goes to Paterno, presumably distressed, scared, confused, mortified, at witnessing  Sandusky (Paterno’s colleague, associate, peer, and likely friend) raping a young boy. On campus. In the football team’s locker room shower. Paterno’s locker room shower.
After receiving this news, Paterno — a man described as a “devout Catholic” — informed his superior that a “distraught” grad student had witnessed “something of a sexual nature” in the locker room between Sandusky and a child. It seems odd that McQueary reported the actual facts to his father, two administrators, and the grand jury, but never (according to Paterno) told Paterno exactly what he saw. Paterno told an administrator that “something” had taken place, which was his “obligation,” per Penn State policy. Two administrators got around to questioning McQueary about the assault about 10 days later. He told them what he witnessed, that he had seen Sandusky rape a child. The end result of their inquiry? They took Sandusky’s locker room keys. Period.
Paterno, it appears, did nothing else. Nothing. Literally nothing.
Now, nine years and who knows how many victims later, he claims that he wishes he had done more.
Does Paterno wish he had done more because the crimes (and Paterno’s failure to act) have now become public? After all, a man almost universally considered a leader and a hero should have recognized the moral obligation to act upon learning that his colleague and (presumably) friend was seen raping a child in his team’s locker room. That child was sacrificed on the altar of the Penn State football program. Countless others were as well.
Let’s not ignore that grad student, Mike McQueary, who was 28 at the time. Do you know what happened to him, after he didn’t help the child who he saw being raped? He went on to become an offensive coach for…the Nittany Lions. It’s not as though he’s unqualified, of course; he was a record-setting quarterback for the team in the ’90s.
So, McQueary witnessed Sandusky raping a young child in the locker room, did nothing to help the child and, it appears, reached out to one person. Joe Paterno. Nothing ever happened and now McQueary is a coach. The Penn State football program is a peculiar environment, to say the least.
"Joe Paterno Fired"
It’s that peculiar environment, where Joe Paterno is a hero above reproach, where students poured into the streets and began rioting after Paterno was fired. Rioting.
They literally rioted.
One woman, though, showed up with a sign that read, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” That’s somewhat closer to the reality of the situation.
I’ll go one further, though, and assert that Joe Paterno is not a good man. And he’s surely not someone to be rioting over.
David Haugh, of the Chicago Tribune wrote an excellent opinion piece, “Penn State’s Paterno deserves no pity.” Readers, however, weren’t completely receptive to that sentiment. One commented, “Coach Joe was not the criminal and deserves better.” Another said, “The people who WERE in charge and SHOULD have acted clearly dropped the ball and now face – appropriately – criminal charges. Using the deplorable acts of a deplorable man to drag a great man like Joe Paterno and a model football program through the mud is also deplorable.”
The same day, Jim Litke, of the Boston Globe, wrote a column that argued “They did Paterno wrong.” After agreeing that Paterno’s silence on Sandusky’s alleged sexual abuse of children was “unconscionable,” he went on to say:
But it doesn’t erase all the things Paterno has done over the course of a lifetime. Just the opposite is true. On balance, all that good should be enough to earn him an opportunity to try and erase the stain — as nauseating and hurtful as a sin of omission can ever be — that has obscured everything else about the man.
I disagree.
As the investigations proceed, it’s likely that we’ll learn lots of people are at fault, and none of them deserve to be part of the Penn State machine. This story is sure to get bigger and uglier and more horrific. At present, the focus is on Joe Paterno — appropriately and accurately, I might add — because he had a duty to act. OK, OK, not “legally.” But as a leader, a hero — or how about a human being? — he had an obligation to do the right thing.
He had a duty to look beyond his beloved football program and Penn State, to stand up for what was right. To exhibit courage and character and integrity, in spite of the consequences. The simple fact that he did not — at the one moment when his leadership was most needed — makes him a coward!
Not a hero!
 Reprint :: Thanks To

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