People that do marketing research for drug companies and the like are really just educated thieves or statistical contortionists that are educated to crunch the numbers in their favor creating more need for pushing drugs on the American public while they are stuffing their pockets and feeding off of their own delusional thinking of making a contribution to the greater good. All the while these vampires are conjoined twins (the drug companies and the marketing researchers) joined at the wallet with "more stories" on the way to push psychotropic drugs and other remedies on you and your children grossing more money than more than 1/2 the countries on earth. Most of these people are criminals, mad men and ego maniacs. The real bottom line that they care about is their pocketbooks and wallets. These people have never done an honest days work in their lives. You are just a number in their book. They are empty shells and their brains only register with numbers and dollar signs. Your child is nothing more than a means to and end for them. They are exploiting the youth of America before they have a chance to develop. They reduce people to numbers and what they can get on their ROI.....return on their investment of time and efforts to crunch the numbers to promote their drugs that have created a "story" to promote and increase their earnings all at the expense of you and your children. Our children. The children of America. And the children of this world deserve better. These are Gods' children and I believe these people will be held accountable to God one day if they are exploiting people in the name of good. God help them. These charlatans are heartless ravenous wolves with super-sized egos and a bank account that silences their conscience daily. They are the true vampires sucking off the lives of other people and their children. Why do they continue creating problems? They create them along with the solutions (drugs) to help them micro managed your lives with their perfect education from their perfect micro managed worlds where everything lines up just like the numbers. Thats o.k. That's quite o.k. Their day will come. They are really "bad actors." They are not your friend. Remember that.
by: Meg O Hanlon
“In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday” - Goethe |
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